Gilliflower Apples!
At Hocking Hills Orchard, here at the Four Seasons Cabins, we grow many different varieties of Apples, Pears, Grapes and other fruit.
The apple varieties in this group all have a similar round-conic shape and a clove like aroma and flavor. The word Gilliflower is believed to have been derived from the old French word Girofle meaning clove.
These apples are sometimes called "Sheepnose" because of their shape. They are great eating. More great tastes to try.
Apple varieties
- Black Gilliflower
- Cornish Gilliflower
- Gilliflower
- Gilliflower of Gloucester
(late 1700's Connecticut, USA) Medium to large size fruit. Skin dark red, deepening to dark purplish-red or almost black, shape longconic. Flesh firm, greenish white. Rich, mild, sweet flavor. A favorite of Benjamin Franklin, ripens in October. Thought to be one of the parents ofDelicious.
(1800 Cornwall, England, UK) Medium to large sized, rather unusual irregular oblong or oblong-conical shaped fruit.The knobbly exterior is quite boldly ribbed and distinctly five crowned. The skin is rather rough, often with some russetting, greenish yellow with up tohalf flushed orange-red. Very firm yellow flesh, tinged green around the core. The word Gilliflower is believed to have been derived from the old French word Girofle meaning clove and given to this variety because it is supposed to have a clove-like frangrance when cut.
(USA?) First mentioned 1629 among others grafted in the U.S. and cited in the "Ohio Cultivator" August 1, 1846. Large fruit,shape very uneven, conic, prominently ribbed on body and at eye. Skin pale yellowish green flushed red, greasy. Flesh tender, white. Flavor sweet.
(Saul, Gloucester, England, UK) Fruits have fine, tender flesh with a sweet, subacid flavour.