Named Seedlings and Unknown Apple Varieties!
At Hocking Hills Orchard, here at the Four Seasons Cabins, we grow many different varieties of Apples, Pears, Grapes and other fruit.
Part of the fun with apples is growing your own variety from seed. Since apples do not come true from seed each seedling will be something new! Most of them will not amount to much but here are some that we have grown from seed and think are worthy to try. Thanks!
Another fun aspect of fruit growing is "exploring" for fruit. Driving down the road and seeing a tree in bloom in spring and then going back to try the fruit later on. Or finding an old abandoned orchard and trying to discover what varieties are growing there!
Apple varieties
- Brandon
- Brandon's Crisp
- Derek's Pink Dream
- Erika
- Erika's Golden
- Lisa
- Lisa's Gem
- Unnamed - Kandil Sinap Seedling
- Unnamed - Moyers Spice Seedling 1
- Unnamed - Moyers Spice Seedling 2
- Unnamed - Moyers Spice Seedling 3
- Unnamed - Moyers Spice Seedling 4
- Unnamed - Pink Pearl Seedling 2
- Unnamed - K 1 wild seedling
- Unnamed - K 2 wild seedling
- Unnamed - K 4 wild seedling
- Unnamed - B
- Unnamed - C
- Unnamed - D
- Unnamed - F
- Unnamed - H
- Unnamed - K
- Unnamed - M
(1986 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Wild apple seedling
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Golden Russet. Medium size fruit with orange red skin. Flesh is white, very firm and crisp. Flavor is subacid. Ripens in October.
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Pink Pearl. Medium to large size fruit, light yellow skin. Flesh is light pink, crisp and subacid. Ripens in September.
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Wild apple seedling. Medium to large size bright yellow fruit. Flesh is white, crisp and juicy. Flavor is sweet, ripens in August.
(2000 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Cutting from wild apple on Carrol Northern Road. Medium to large size fruit. Golden yellow skin with flesh of the same color. Flesh is crisp and flavor is sweet.
(1986 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Black Gilliflower. Medium to large size fruit. Skin is pale yellow over light green. Flesh is white and crisp. Flavor is sweet. Ripens in August.
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Pink Pearl. Large size fruit. Skin is golden yellow. Flesh is cream to very light pink. Flavor is sweet. Ripens in September.
(1986 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Kandil Sinap.
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Moyers Spice.
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Moyers Spice.
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Moyers Spice.
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Moyers Spice.
(1992 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Seedling of Pink Pearl.
(1986 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Wild apple seedling.
(1986 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Wild apple seedling.
(1986 Pickerington, Ohio, USA) Wild apple seedling.
(2001 Clear Creek, Ohio, USA) Cutting from wild apple in Clear Creek.
(2001 Clear Creek, Ohio, USA) Cutting from wild apple in Clear Creek.
(2001 Clear Creek, Ohio, USA) Cutting from wild apple in Clear Creek.
(2001 Clear Creek, Ohio, USA) Cutting from wild apple in Clear Creek.
(2001 Clear Creek, Ohio, USA) Cutting from wild apple in Clear Creek.
(2001 Clear Creek, Ohio, USA) Cutting from wild apple in Clear Creek.
(2001 Clear Creek, Ohio, USA) Cutting from wild apple in Clear Creek.